Tuesday 29 October 2013

This is called gribouillage

And this is the dress pattern I'd like to have

Sunday 27 October 2013

Flamingoes roam under my window on a sunny afternoon. I pictured one along with a goat, an ox, a ferret and a meerkat. 

First you call a postman. Then you buy a film online. (But you shouldn't scream at the postman, you shouldn't hit the computer and you shouldn't hit the postman with a guitar). Just listen to what the postman says. In the end what you have is the Film About Three Rabbits and a Horse Named Pearl: the box and the disc. And the show begins...

Saturday 19 October 2013

Wednesday 16 October 2013

This here is Pearl. He is the biggest one in the stable but you must prompt him with your legs all the time because he is quite a lazy pony.